Remo’s Clear Pinstripe tom drumheads are made with two 7-mil Mylar plies, and have quick decay, making them ideal heads for the “fat” sounds of pop, rock and R&B and for those who want a low pitched sound with moderate attack and response characteristics. A measured layer of a ring reducing agent is applied between the two 7-mil Mylar plies to dampen high frequency overtones for warmer resonance. This drumhead pack comes with a set of 10″, 12″, 14″ Clear Pinstripe drumheads. Remo’s Pinstripes are the result of continuing refinement and improvement in Remo drumhead materials and manufacturing methods. The Remo Clear Pinstripe Pro Pack includes the Controlled Sound X Snare Head, constructed of coated 12-mil film with a 5-mil reverse dot for 20% more durability and tone control. The CS snare head delivers controlled mid range tones ideal for higher frequency snare drums. For your toms, the clear Pinstripe heads are made with two 7-mil Mylar plies for quick decay, making them ideal heads for the fat sounds of pop, rock and R&B. They provide a deep, low-pitched sound with moderate attack and response.
Remo Pinstripe Clear Pro Pack (10″, 12″, 14″) +14″ Controlled Sound X Coated Snare Head
Additional information
Weight 0.61 kg Dimensions 14.75 × 14.75 × 1 cm Brand Remo
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